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Traditional Problems with Radiology Imaging Requests: Why No One Else Wants to Do It

problems with dicom images

Fulfilling patient radiology/imaging requests has always presented problems. Those problems range from the cost of labor and the need for on- site resources to concerns with postage, mail delivery timeframe, and lost or damaged CD/USB media. Additionally, Providers and/or copy service companies are pulled away from their primary tasks to answer phone calls and in-person questions from patients and other requestors about request status, mail delivery status, lost or broken CD/USB media, the need for multiple copies of media for various doctor appointments, and technical issues such as how to install DICOM software or view imaging on a personal device. The result? Most medical records copy services insist on leaving this particular burden for the Provider to manage, unless the Provider mandates otherwise.

Why eRequest LLC wants to process your imaging requests?

IMOD (Imaging on Demand) eliminates traditional barriers. Unlike any other medical copy service company, we can offer same-day processing of imaging requests.

Case Example

BACKGROUND: Carrell Clinic located in Dallas, TX, presented the following:
• Processed 200+ imaging CDs per month
• Provided all imaging on CD media
• Requestor breakdown: 18% patient CD pick-up (often urgent due to upcoming appointments); 38% patient CD mail; 20% continuing care (9% STAT); 24% third party requestors
• Dedicated 1.5 FTEs

RESULTS: After outsourcing their imaging requests to eRequest LLC, Carrell Clinic cited the following benefits of the IMOD solution:

Instant Empowerment of Patient Choice

IMOD gives patients more control. IMOD lets patients easily transport their own medical images via a secure browser link, which enables them to make more informed choices about their healthcare.

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